The Department of Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhant deals with the classical texts (Samhita) of Ayurveda for scientific exploration and validation. This department is popularly known as a department of basic principles concerned with the fundamental principles of Ayurveda. Basic principles are very important in Ayurveda, as without knowledge of them, we cannot understand or learn Ayurveda. The department has five subjects:
This knowledge is further substantiated by a thorough grounding in the classical knowledge systems of India, including both the theistic and atheistic schools. The evolutionary history of Ayurveda spans thousands of years and provides interesting insights into the development of the world of medicine itself. It is essential for the aspirant of Ayurveda to become well-versed with the approach of knowledge building delineated in the classical texts of Ayurveda, which accommodates and transcends the methods of science. The Department of Basic Principles prepares students with the basic intellectual tools necessary to engage in a serious study of Ayurveda. It involves the complete study of various Samhitas and Sanskrit literature important for an Ayurvedic physician.
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. Kalavati Gurav | CV |
Associate Professor | Dr. T Rambabu | CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Harsh Dubey | CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Dharmendra Singh | CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Nisha Upadhyay | CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Anamika Das | CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Muhsina Muhammed | CV |
The surgical school of Ayurveda pioneered the technique of treating dead bodies in flowing water and exposing the underlying structures by scraping the skin using soft instruments to gain accurate knowledge of minute structures that make up the human body. This practice declined over the ages due to various factors and today Ayurvedic Anatomy needs to be supplemented with modern knowledge. A unique aspect of Rachana Shareera in Ayurveda is the knowledge of the vital points or marmas, which have to be protected when performing surgical procedures and injury which can lead to disastrous consequences including death. Knowledge of these vital points and techniques to manipulate them is essential to become proficient in therapeutic massage that stimulates prana and revitalises the body.
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. P Sarangapani | CV |
Professor | Dr. Prahalad Raghu | CV |
Professor | Dr. Banani Das | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Krishna Yadav | CV |
Kriya Sharir (physiology) department- definition of kriya sharir- according to Acharya Charak is “Kriya Pratipadakam shariram kriya shariram” means physiology is the study of the normal functioning of the human body. To understand the working process of the living body, we apply the principles of physics, chemistry, biology and anatomy, so physiology is a tripod science. In Ayurveda sharir is defined as “Dosh dhatu mal mulam hi shariram”. These three factors are explained in detail in kriya sharir.
Name | Designation | CV |
Dr. B Maya | Professor | Link |
Dr. Gyanendra Kumar Gupta | Professor | Link |
Dr.Subhash chandra singh rawat | Professor | Link |
Dr. Poonam Pal | Assistant Professor | Link |
Dr.Jamuna Uranw | Assistant Professor | Link |
The Department of Dravyaguna focuses on the comprehensive study of Ayurvedic medicinal plants, including their identification, properties, and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics. It also deals with the collection, storage, and preservation of raw materials of plant origins.
Name | Designation | CV |
Dr. Yallappa GK | Professor | Link |
Dr. Ravi Gaurav | Associate Professor | Link |
Dr. Ashish Sharma | Assistant Professor | Link |
Dr. Shamna K | Assistant Professor | Link |
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. Banani Das | CV |
Associate Professor | Dr. Ravneet Kaur | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Prabal Dixit | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Anjitha S Kabeer | CV |
Essential to understand disease process as well as the diagnosis of disease. The normal state of mind and body is called prakriti and the abnormal state of the mind and body is termed as Vikruti. Nidan Panchak is the base of diagnosis of disease. The Knowledge gained by scrutinizing the causes and symptoms of a disease related to person is called Vikruti Vigyan. This department deals with nosology (classification of diseases) and techniques of diagnosis. Training is given in both ancient methods of diagnosis and relevant modern investigations. Ayurveda lays great stress on detecting diseases in the very early stages of development and has developed an elaborate system of subtle diagnostic techniques to identify imbalances in the body before they transform into complicated disease processes. Ayurveda gives equal emphasis on understanding the origins of disease, the disease process, and the external manifestations. It understands disease as a paradoxical combination of the failure of physiological mechanisms and attempts by the body to restore normalcy. Diagnosis involves a clear understanding of the therapeutic response that has been initiated by the body based on which an appropriate treatment strategy is visualised. An inherent strength of Ayurveda is its emphasis on strengthening the body from within to reverse the disease process. Roga vijnana involves developing subtle skills of pulse diagnosis and other subjective methods to feel and understand the subtle interactions between the body and mind in health and disease.
Designation | Name | CV Link |
Professor | Dr. Shubha R Sandoor | Link |
Associate Professor | Dr. Dr. Ashwini Murali | Link |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Vishal Upadyay | Link |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Rohini Jat | Link |
The promotion of positive health is dealt with from the Ayurvedic viewpoint. Naturopathy and Yoga also come under the purview of this department. Social and Preventative Medicine in Ayurveda deals with elaborate guidelines and regimens for maintaining and promoting the health of the individual and the community as a whole. Regulation of lifestyle, diet, and behavior on the basis of diurnal, seasonal, and geographical variations, as well as the constitution of the individual, is an important component of preventive medicine in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic dietetics is a discipline in itself. Measures for periodical purification and rejuvenation of the body aim to promote vitality and positive health of the person. Ayurveda also deals with the principles of epidemiology and the prevention and management of communicable diseases.
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. Vijay Suresh Shirka | Download CV |
Associate Professor | Dr. Supriti Patnaik | Download CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Nayana B | Download CV |
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. SK Biswal | CV |
Associate Professor | Dr. Shivam Chaubey | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Sanoop K | CV |
Imparts training in Ayurvedic Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Gynaecology deals with menstrual disorders, diseases of the female genital tract and veneral diseases. Ayurveda advises a special regimen for care of the pregnant woman. It also lays down certain guidelines to ensure the birth of a healthy child. Obstetrics deals with conditions related to maternity as well as normal delivery and other procedure.
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. Bidyut Kumar Mishra | CV |
Professor | Dr. Salim Musa Mulla | CV |
Associate Professor | Dr. Shrutee Lodhi | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Bandana Devi | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Poornima Yadav | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Priyanka Singh | CV |
Professor | Dr. Vishnumaya | CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Anjali Mishra | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Neethu Rachel Babu | CV |
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. Pushpitabala Jena | CV |
Professor | Dr. Sarita. S | CV |
Professor | Dr. Vinod Kumar Swami | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Jasmine | CV |
Professor | Dr. Jaya Shreenivasan | CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Mithilesh Pathak | CV |
This Department Imparts training in the division of General Medicine in Ayurveda. In ancient times, the practice of Ayurveda comprised of two schools i.e medicine and surgery. Kayachikitsa, representing the school of medicine forms the basis for all other branches of Ayurvedic treatment and hence this department lays the foundation for shaping a skilled Ayurvedic physician. Panchakarma (Pentabiopurification method), as well as Rasayana (Rejuvenative medicine) and Vajikarana (Reproductive Health), come within the purview of this department. Training in this branch of Ayurvedic medicine equips the student to design a treatment protocol comprising of a range of internal and external medications as well as specialised therapies according to the nature of the disease and the patient. Ayurveda offers effective treatment for the management and control of chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, eczema, bronchial asthma, paralysis, early stages of diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and urinary tract infections, and certain chronic infections.
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. Sanjay Mishra | CV |
Associate Professor | Dr. Preetimayee Sahoo | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Hardev Singh Bhadouria | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Vishwam Gaur | CV |
Asst. Professor | Dr. Samsul Islam | CV |
SBSJS Ayurvedic Medical college and Hospital has provided good and all facilities to indoor and outdoor patients for the treatment of Panchakarma. Among all departments, Panchakarma is the best Department in our Institution both Clinical and Teaching.
In 2022 the Doctor of the Year Award was rewarded to Dr. Nihar Ranjan Mahanta, Associate Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma, and in 2021 Dr. Biswanath Mishra, Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma was awarded as the best teacher in the College.
My department is up to date both clinical and Teaching.
Panchakarma is a treatment program for the Body, Mind, and Soul, that cleanses and rejuvenates. It is based on Ayurvedic principles, every human is a unique phenomenon manifested through the Panchamahabhootas such as Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. The combination of these elements is three doshas (tridosha): Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and their balance are unique to each individual. When this doshic balance is disturbed it creates disorder resulting in disease. Panchakarma is done individually for each person with their specific constitution and specific disorder in mind, thus it requires close observation and supervision. Treatment starts with pre-purification Measures of Snehan and Svedana, and then cleansing methods – Shodanas are applied.
Panchakarma is five karmas like Vamana (therapeutic emesis), Virechan (therapeutic purgation), Anuvasan Vasti (therapeutic medicated oil enema), Asthapan Vasti (medicated decoction enema), Nasya (nasal administration of medicaments)
My department has importance in eight branches of Ayurveda.
Vision to impart quality education in the field of Ayurvedic Speciality of Panchakarma to bridge the gap between theory and Practical. Application of scientific panchakarma therapy in clinical practice to relinquish dosha for core care of disease.
The first and foremost mission is to develop the awareness of Panchakarma to maintain health and cure the disease.
Secondly to provide panchakarma services to all classes of society.
Thirdly to give the benefit of the five ‘H’ i.e. Hope, Health, Happiness, Holiness, and Harmony by eliminating dosha from body-mind, and soul.
The main objective of Panchakarma is to root out the disease from the cellular level. Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenating programme for the body mind and consciousness. The Panchakarma technique consists of full-body detoxification, diet, and nutrition.
Panchakarma department is the pivot among all clinical departments. It provides the highest and happiest panchakarma treatment for OPD and IPD levels. We are providing curative, promotive, and preventive treatment through panchakarma therapy. The main objective of Ayurveda is to restore the original state of equilibrium between the dosha and detoxification of body, mind, and soul through Panchakarma treatment. Panchakarma treatment is required due to a sedentary lifestyle, wrong dietary habits, and lack of exercise. Every individual is being accumulated with some undigested or unwanted material in our body.
Name | Designation | CV |
Dr. Bishwanath Mishra | Professor | Download CV |
Dr. Nihar Ranjan Mahanta | Associate Professor | Download CV |
Dr. Shinas BS | Asst. Professor | Download CV |
Dr. Sulfiath K.P | Asst. Professor | Download CV |
Name | Designation | CV |
Dr. Sachindra Mohanta | Professor | Download CV |
Dr. Ravindra G Varma | Professor | Download CV |
Dr. Trilochan Panda | Associate Professor | Download CV |
Dr. Raman Manhas | Assistant Professor | Download CV |
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Pal | Asst. Professor | Download CV |
Dr. Shilpi Awasthi | Asst. Professor | Download CV |
Shalakya Tantra is the branch of Ashtanga Ayurveda that deals with diseases occurring above the clavicle. Viz. Diseases of eyes, ears, nose, throat, head, and oral cavity.
The Shalakya specialty is considered a surgical school and deals with the causes, diagnosis, and preventive and curative procedures with special emphasis on Ayurvedic treatment procedures like Kriya Kalpa, Nasya, Moordha taila, Kavala, Gandoosha, Pratisarana, Karnapoorana, Eye Exercises, etc along with Medical, Surgical & Para-surgical training in the concerned field as per the curriculum.
To impart quality treatment to the patients and to provide quality education to the students.
Designation | Name | CV |
Professor | Dr. Sundaraiah M | View CV |
Professor | Dr. Biswanath Bhattacharya | View CV |
Assistant Professor | Dr. Arunima NS | View CV |