Specialities Services
Specialities consultations exists in-house. Outpatient and Inpatient facilities are well-equipped and support the provision of comprehensive affordable and quality health care under one roof. State-of-Art and laboratory services support the care of our patients. For targeted interventions and continuum of care Day Care Facilities are available.
Emergency services
Emergency services are competent and prompt with a standalone department that triages and manages all adult related emergencies inducing Intensive Care facilities till stabilisation and transfer can occur. Emergency services functions 24-hour x 7-days.
Operation theatres
Operation theaters provides 24 hours emergency services with its state of art equipment and a dedicated team of eminent physicians and surgeons.
We provide the best Gynecology & Obstetrics services; this multidisciplinary department takes care of you and your little one with dedicated suites, surgical units and state of the art intensive care.
A logical and holistic approach to the management of various disorders involving the human body. Provision of need-based care by optimal utilization of all available options.
- Conditions We Treat
- Abdominal Pain
- Acute Upper-Respiratory Infection
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Chest Pain
- Chikungunya
- Cholera
- Common Cold
- COPD (Emphysema)
- Coughs and Other Respiratory Illnesses
- Diabetes
- Fever
- Filariasis
- General Medical Exams
- Headache
- Heart Disease
- Hepatitis
- High Cholesterol
- Hypertension
- Hypothyroidism
- Influenza
- Jaundice
- Lower Back Pain
- Malaise and Fatigue
- Malaria
- Management of Blood Thinners
- Pain in an Extremity
- Pneumonia
- Routine Gynaecologic Exams
- Stomach Ache
- Tonsillitis
- Tuberculosis
- Typhoid
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Vaccinations, Including Flu Shots
In Ayurveda, various Acharys describe many type of Sanskar. This Sanskar means purificatory rites and ceremonies for sanctifying the body, mind and intellect of an individual so that he may become a full-fledged member of the community. Kaumārabhṛtya.
Kaumarbhritya elaborate ly deals with vedanadhyay, Dantodbedha janya vyadhi, balagraha, Kuposhanjanya vyadhi, vyadhi kshamatwa, lehana, prashana etc. Which play a key role in healthy development of a child.
Shri Babu Singh Jay Singh Ayurvedic Medical College & Hispital conduct surgery related to :-
- Abdominal Ailments related to Gallbladder, Appendix, Spleen, Intestines and Others
- Anorectal Disorders Such as Rectal Prolapse, Piles, Fistula, Fissure and Perianal Abscess
- Kharsutra Therepy
- Various Types of Hernia
- Agni Karma
Shri Babu Singh Jay Singh Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital has hospital well equipped X-Ray Unit is functional X-ray machine. In this Unit all types of X-rays are done regularly by the trained technician under guidance of radiologist.
Pathology Unit
Shri Babu Singh Jay Singh Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital has hospital well equipped pathology unit is functional under the department of Rog Nidan and Vikriti Vigyan. In this Unit various investigation related to haematology, Seriology, Microbiology and Bio- Chemistry are done by trained technicians under the guidance of Pathologist. In Pathology many types of investigation done in Pathology like – CBC, HIV, HCV, HBSAG, VDRL, MP, WIDAL, RBS, FBS, UPT, S.BILLRUBIN, S.CREATNINE, BTCT, ESR, HB, SEMEN ANALYSUICS, SGOT, SGPT, PAP SMEAR, ADA, STOOL R M, PLATELETS, ABO, URINE R M, PPBS, S.ELECTROLITE, DEGUE, TLC, DLC etc.
Laboratory Services
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Clinical Microbiology & Serology
- Clinical Pathology
- Hematology
- Pathology Unit
Shri Babu Singh Jay Singh Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital has hospital well equipped pathology unit is functional under the department of Rog Nidan and Vikriti Vigyan. In this Unit various investigation related to haematology, Seriology, Microbiology and Bio- Chemistry are done by trained technicians under the guidance of Pathologist. In Pathology many types of investigation done in Pathology like – CBC, HIV, HCV, HBSAG, VDRL, MP, WIDAL, RBS, FBS, UPT, S.BILLRUBIN, S.CREATNINE, BTCT, ESR, HB, SEMEN ANALYSUICS, SGOT, SGPT, PAP SMEAR, ADA, STOOL R M, PLATELETS, ABO, URINE R M, PPBS, S.ELECTROLITE, DEGUE, TLC, DLC etc.
KAYACHIKITSA (General Medicine) OPD
- Metabolic disorders
- Bleeding disorders
- Acidity, ulcer
- Diabetes
- Spinal disorders, low back ache
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Skin disorders – psoriasis, eczema
- Respiratory disorder
- Paralysis
- Mental disorders
- Arthritis and many more
SHALYA TANTRA (Surgery, Orthopedics & Ano-rectal OPD)
- Ano-rectal disorders – Piles, Fistula, anal Prolapse
- Fracture Management
- Dislocation Management
- Various kinds of non-healing ulcers
- Hernias – umbilical, inguinal
- Stones – renal, urethral
- Arterial disorders
- Venous disorders
Ksharakarma is a specific treatment modality in Ayurveda. Plants rich in ksharaguna (Alkaline Properties) are selected. Then through a series of procedures, kshara from the plant is extracted under strict sterile conditions.
Ksharakarma has tremendous scope in Ano- the Rectal Wing, outgrowths of the body like warts, corn, non-healing ulcer and so on. Ksharakarma gives almost on-table results with no complications in the majority of cases. Few require repeated sittings. Ksharakarma has nullified many surgical operative cases with its results.
Among the treatment options for Fistula- In-Ano, the promising name/only treatment option is ksharasutra. Non-operative mode of drug delivery, where kshara coated/medicated thread is passed through the track, changed periodically till healing.
- Refractive errors – Myopia, Hypermetropia, Astigmatism,
- Early stages of cataract, Pterygium
- Retinitis Pimentosa
- Dryness of eyes
- Migraine and other types of headaches
- Alopecia
- Grey hair, baldness
Netra Kriyakalpa generally called Kriyakalpa, are the treatment procedures used in the management of Eye Diseases. We in our hospital carry out 7 types of Kriya Kalpa (Therapeutic procedures) which are mentioned in our Ayurvedic Classical Texts.
- Tarpana: In this procedure, the medicated ghee is kept in the eye for a specific time by special arrangement. It gives nourishment to the eyes and cures Vata and pittaja netrarogas. Used in the management of Progressive refractive errors, computer vision syndrome, tiredness of eyes and retinal diseases.
- Putapaka: The procedure is the same as tarpana but the medicine extracted from herbs by putapaka procedure, is usually carried after tarpana. Indication for rejuvenation of eyes.
- Seka: In this procedure, medicine is poured on the closed eyes continuously from four inches height for a specific time according to doshas. It is indicated in acute inflammatory conditions
- Aschotana: The medicated drops are put into the eye from the height of two inches on the open eye. It is indicated in infection and allergic conditions of conjunctiva and cornea.
- Anjana: In this procedure, medicine is applied over the inner surface of the lid margin from the medial canthus to the lateral canthus with anjanashalaka. It is indicated when the doshas are located only in the eyes.
- Pindi: Medicated paste is tied in a thin cloth and kept over the eye. Indicated in abhisyanda and adhimanta
- Bidalaka or lepa: In this procedure medicated paste is applied to the eyelids. Indicated in stye, chalazion and other inflammatory conditions of the eyelid.
Karna Purana
The installation of medicated oil in the ear is called Karnapurana. It is indicated in diseases of the ear like Tinnitus, Hearing loss and Meniere’s disease.
Nasya Karma
Nasya is a therapy in which medicated oil or liquid is administered through the nostrils. It is highly effective in the management of diseases of the head and neck. Indicated in sinusitis, migraine, allergic rhinitis, premature greying of hair, hair fall and facial paralysis.
PRASUTI TANTRA EVAM STRIROG (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) OPD
- Anti-natal, Natal & Postnatal Care
- Delivery
- Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Infertility – Female
- Menstrual Irregularities
- Pelvic Disorders
- Female Genital Disorders
- T.D.S
- Menopausal Syndromes
- Hypothyroidism
- Autism
- D.H.D
- Cerebral palsy
- Recurrent respiratory infections
- Developmental disorders
- Malnutrition disorders
- Learning disability in children
- Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of children
- Skin disorders, Gastro-intestinal disorders like constipation, malabsorption syndrome
- Autism, ADHD, Cerebral palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Mental retardation, Growth and Development Disorders, Recurrent respiratory tract infections etc.
- Specialized &Customized paediatric Panchakarma
- Yoga & Counselling
- Paediatric physiotherapy
- Memory boosting techniques
- Behavioural therapy
- In-house preparation of medicines as per GMP for a specific disorder
PANCHAKARMA (Detoxification & Rejuvenation Therapy) OPD
Expertise in Panchakarma therapies in
- Prevention of Disease
- Promotion of Health
- Detoxification
- Skin Disease
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Infertility
- Neurological Disorders
- Metabolic Disorders
- Auto-immune Disorders
- Hepato-Renal Disorders
- Acid-Peptic Disorders
- Psychosomatic Disorders
Treatments available:
Abyanga | Agnilepa | Akshi Seka |
Akshi Tarpana | Bhaspa Sweda | Gandusha & Kavala |
Greeva Basti | Ishtika Sweda | Janu Basti |
Niruha Basti (Decoction enema) | Anuvasana Basti (Oil enema) | Kati Basti |
Kaya Seka (Pizichil) | Ksheera Dhooma | Kukkutanda Nimba Sweda |
Choorna Pinda Sweda | Mamsa Pinda Sweda | Nadi Sweda |
Nasya Karma | Patra Pinda Sweda | Jambira Pinda Sweda |
Prishta Basti | Putapaka | Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda |
Shiro Basti | Shiro Dhara | Shiro Pichu |
Parisheka | Shirolepa (Talapothichil) | Takra Dhara |
Udvartana | Upanaha | Valuka Sweda |
Vamana Karma | Virechana | Rakta Mokshana |
SWASTHAVRITTA (Preventive & Social Medicine) OPD
- Prakruti analysis (Nature/ Physical & Mental constitution of an individual).
- Lifestyle modification, Diet, Exercise for prevention of disease and promotion of health.
- Health promotion tips, and awareness of social issues.
- Therapeutic Yoga
- Organises Special camps/crash courses for Obesity, HTN, Diabetes, Asthma